The web browser does have pluses. The download speeds of the UC browser are on the faster side, and it handles concurrent downloads, making it one to consider for a specific type of user.
However, one of the concerns raised about the UC browser over the years is that it could be more secure than other browsers, and we share those concerns.
This application is a reasonably fast browser on Windows and Mac. Although it certainly doesn’t take the crown from the web’s faster browsers. Including Mozilla’s Firefox Quantum. UC browsers achieve speed gains through data compression on the server side to squeeze the data before it’s sent to the user.
The application also loads frequently used web pages ahead of time, in whole or in part, and combined with the data compression, this reduces the amount of data flowing to the web browser, the company claims.
UC Browser App Download Features:
Many practical features are available in the browser, including speed dial and better tab management. UC browser is even better than Windows phones’ default IE web browser. So today, we will cover some of the valuable features of the UC browser, which makes it one of the best browsers for the platform.
- Background download- It’s an excellent feature for those who love downloading. With the UC browser, you may keep downloading files even after you completely close UC Browser.
The download process will continue even after you close the UC browser entirely. The download process will automatically resume if the download is interrupted the process by disconnection, again, all in the background.
- Wi-Fi Sharing- UC browser’s latest update for Windows phones makes file transfer between your phone, tablet and PC easy by allowing you to share downloaded files with other devices over Wi-Fi.
- UDisk- if you have limited storage space for downloaded music and videos on your phone, the UC browser comes with UDisk, a cloud storage service that allows storing files on the cloud.
After signing up for an account, you get 6GB permanent and 4GB temporary storage.
- Themes and Customizations- You can change the browser skin from the UC theme centre. These can also be used as lock screen wallpapers.
UC Browser App Pros:
- Speed, UC Browser is a reasonably fast browser
- Customizable interface. UC browser’s interface can be customized easily.
UC Browser App Cons:
- Lax privacy and security. With many concerns raised about the safety and privacy of this web browser, it should be used with caution if privacy and concern are any concern.
- Lacks anti-tracking, UC Browsers features no anti-tracking or anti-phishing options.